
Sunday, October 15, 2006

A couple more beauty shots

Vanessa's photo has been very well received. I have gotten several calls from others wanting to do a similar shot.

Rachel and Angie both wanted to do a session at the same time so they could coordinate the makeup with Christine M. who again did a brilliant job. A good makeup artist can really make a shoot that much more successful. Not to mention the massively reduced amount of retouching needed. :)

Well, this time, we did not have to deal with the heat since the studio is nicely air conditioned.

The setup was a little different than the shots with Vanessa. We went for a simpler, two light setup. Main light either camera right and a reflector opposite with a light boomed above.

The girls were a lot of fun to work with. They decided to have a little fun after the beauty shots so we did some impromptu posing work.

Here's a couple outtakes. Yes, they were having fun! We all were.

Click on any photo to see a larger version. Blogger really eats the images when it resizes them.